Upon the creation of mother earth, Nyx, the goddess of darkness, scattered eight powerful artifacts over the earth's surface. It is said that they contained a part of her power, and whoever got their hands on them became very powerful. Everyone dreamed of having these eight artifacts in their possession; therefore, every being on earth and Olympus was in search of them. The ones who got ahold of these artifacts were Hercules, Hades, Medusa, Aries, Athena, Persephone, Kronos, and Poseidon. Today, these so-called artifacts reside in the museum of fragrance.
The artifact found by Hercules was called the potion of strength. It was golden in color and contained in a beautiful glass bottle that is said to be unbreakable. The potion of strength gave Hercules immense physical power and made him unmatched. Throughout his life, he kept the bottle close to himself. However, when he was poisoned by Deianeira, the bottle went missing.
This artifact was said to be in the possession of hades, the god of the underworld. It was called the potion of remorse. It gave immense strength to hades and helped him make the departed souls feel remorse for their wrongdoings. This potion was kept in the underworld, strongly guarded by hades' subjects. However, it is said that one day hades decided to carry it to the outside world to show it to Persephone and lost it on the way. He tried his best to find it but was unable to.
The artifact found by medusa was called the potion of hope. This potion gave medusa hope that one day she would be free of this curse. It is said that this potion was enclosed in a beautiful crystal bottle with a gold cap. However, when medusa was beheaded by Persues, the bottle changed to a bright red color. After her death, no one dared to enter the cave to retrieve the potion. Thus it stayed there for decades until her sisters recovered it and carved it in memory of her.
This potion was in possession of Kratos, the god of titans. It is called the potion of defense. It is said that this potion gave Kratos a very powerful defense which helped him defeat multiple gods. Like other potions, this potion was also enclosed in a crystal bottle; however, it changed its appearance while in possession of Kratos. After his death, the titans kept the potion in remembrance of their king.
This artifact was said to be in possession of the sea god Poseidon. People called it the potion of the sea. It was enclosed in a beautiful sapphire bottle with a golden cap. However, when Kratos (the king of the titans) attacked and killed Poseidon, the color of the cap changed to silver, and the color of the bottle became dull.
This potion was in possession of Athena, the goddess of wisdom. It is said that the cap of this potion was so shiny that no one could look at it. This potion was called the potion of creation. It helped Athena invent valuable items and crafts. It is said that half of this potion was spilled during the war with Sparta.
This potion was in possession of Aries, the god of war. It was called the potion of warcraft. It gave Aries the ability to make strategies for the battlefield. It is said that this potion used to be lighter in color, but it changed its color in possession of Aries due to his amoral nature. Half of the potion got spilled when Aries fought Kratos, and after his death, the potion was left without any owner.
This potion was said to be in possession of Persephone, the goddess of spring. It gave Persephone the power to heal. It is said that this beautiful bottle was always surrounded by flowers, but they died when Persephone took it to the underworld. It stayed in her possession until she was stabbed and killed by Kartos.
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